NKU had a critical need for a user-friendly, easily accessible and searchable website for Steely Library. With an accreditation deadline looming, the Sanger & Eby team got to work quickly.
We first performed a competitive audit on peer library websites chosen by NKU. We worked with our client team to identify white space areas for the Steely site as part of this analysis and uncovered opportunities for NKU to develop a truly best-in-class online library website.
Next, we met with the IT department at the college to get a technical deep dive of the framework of the Northern Kentucky University website. They required that we build within the same content management system as the rest of the site and that we limit custom code, so having a deep understanding of the complexities of their system was paramount to our system design.
Then, the real fun began. The Sanger & Eby content team worked hand-in-hand with the team at NKU to understand, consolidate and reorganize more than 3,500 pages of library content and resources spread across 6 microsites. Working through this exercise helped our UX team in designing a new sitemap, site organization and user pathways, all of which we put to the test with actual NKU students, faculty and staff.